The Nightman Cometh Deleted Scene!

| Thursday, January 29, 2009

If you don't watch the FX show It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia, I highly suggest you pick up seasons 1-3 on DVD and watch them immediately. For the rest of you, here's a behind the scenes look at the making of "The Nightman Cometh" including a deleted song sung by Mac as the Nightman called "It's Nature: Shit Happens"

Strip Club Commercials


Local strip club commercials are almost always pretty hilarious between the skany girls and the creepy dudes they almost always inevitably feature. Check out these gems from around the country.

"If ya NEEEED a little somethin' somethin'"

I love the use of technology in this one. Apparently someone's been watching too many Soundgarden videos.

Bubble's cousin gets real bummed when he breaks his glasses.

I really hope this commercial was the motivation for an ex of mine working at this place.

Listen closely to the little voice at the end of this one, it really makes it.

Obama Tuesdays!!

Even aliens like titties.

This is what I assume most plastic surgeons are actually like.

And this is why you should never get married.

I'm not sure who's worse...

| Wednesday, January 28, 2009

...these dudes, or the idiot, and likely heinous looking, chicks that banged them.

Wait, now I'm sure, it's the idiot chicks. Either way, check it out, pretty funny site overall. I just can't wait till one of my friends ends up on there.

Before They Were Famous Stand Up Comedians


Here's a clip of Louis C.K. way back in 1987. If it wasn't for his voice I don't know if I'd even believe it was him.

Everybody knows Dave Chappelle. Here he is performing in Aspen in 1995.

No idea when this is from, but it's Jim Carrey way back in the day performing in LA.

And finally Jerry Seinfeld from way on Johnny Carson. Enjoy.

Condom Commercials

| Tuesday, January 27, 2009

This may be the most effective condom commercial I've ever seen.

One Lucky Bastard

This dude almost had her. Don't give up so easy next time man!

I Guess the Theme For Today is People Being Stupid


Check out what this moron does with his flare gun.

People Being Stupid


I dunno about you, but I could seriously watch videos of people being moronic all day long.

Let's start with this dude who thinks slapping his nuts on a mouse trap is a really bright idea. NSFW (also, if you don't feel like seein' some dude's scrote I suggest you avoid this one)

Most Painful Mousetrap Gag Ever - Watch more free videos

I don't even know what this guy was trying to do. Best line, "I'm becoming trapped in the balloon."

This dude just straight up sucks at drinking. Nice sandals, nerd.

Early Contender for Funniest Video of '09

| Monday, January 26, 2009

I wouldn't be surprised if this dude just ruined his relationship with this stunt. He's probably better off though, bitch obviously can't take a joke, amiright?

null - Watch more free videos

I'm so glad I live in the first world


Nigeria police hold 'robber' goat

Police in Nigeria are holding a goat handed to them by a vigilante group, which said it was a car thief who had used witchcraft to change shape.

Giants Fans are Babies



Unnecessary Censorship


I don't usually watch the Jimmy Kimmel show, but I'll be damned if this isn't LOL worthy.

Trailer Park Boys


Holy shit, this show is incredible. I've only seen a few seasons so far, but it's already right up there with It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia and Curb Your Enthusiasm in my mind. Unfortuanatly, this amazing show never really aired in the good ol' US of A, so i never caught it until a roommate Netflixed the DVDs. I don't even want to ruin it by explaining what it's about, just do yourself a favor and watch it.

Oh yeah, here's a link to watch EVERY SINGLE EPISODE
You can all thank me later.

First Post!


After years and years of surfing the internet, finding random funny things, and sending them to my friends, I decided that it was about time to centralize all this hilarity into a blog of my own. Expect everything from viral videos to weird news articles to sites that are just full out ridiculous, and probably somewhat offensive, considering my sense of humor. Some of my posts will be "LOL" hilarious, other times they'll probably just give you a "WTF?" moment (I think that's the first time I ever typed "WTF").

Anyway, since this is my first post and this blog is supposed to be funny, I'll leave you with a link to a page full of funny animated GIFs. It takes a minute to load, be patient, it's worth it.

Animated GIF Gallery