Sorry Dudes

| Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Before that last update it had been a few days since I put anything up. I usually take the weekends off from updates, but I really have no excuse for not updating yesterday other than laziness. Anyway, here's a link to get a free sub at Quiznos to make up for it. Enjoy!

Fight, Fight, Fight


This shirtless dude needs to learn that you should keep your mouth shut if you're trying to fight someone.

Shirtless Big Mouth Gets Brutal One Punch KnockoutA topless retard who goes down quick and has anger issues. I didn't write that, it's actually a casting call for next season of Rock of Love.Get humor videos at NothingToxic

These 2 fat idiots have no idea how to throw a punch, good thing the one dude has the bright idea to kick the other one in the face haha.

Fight Ends With Great Kick to The FaceJust because he goes down quick doesn't mean you should count him out.Get humor videos at NothingToxic

What is it with these shirtless dudes who don't know how to shut up constantly gettign knocked out?

Trash Talking Tough Guy One Punch KOdThis trash talker needs to spend less time working out and more time learning to keep his stupid glass jaw shut.Get humor videos at NothingToxic

Thanks to Nothing Toxic for all the fight vids


| Friday, February 20, 2009

So I never really got into the whole lolcats craze at all, the funny ones were very few and far between. These Rolcats (English Translations of Eastern Bloc Lolcats) are way funnier in my opinion.

This Kid is Great

| Thursday, February 19, 2009

Steve the Drunk Redneck

| Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Might be my new favorite dude on the internet. Check out these police videos of him getting arrested 3 separate times.

His Favorite "Buddha" Call


This may be the best phone call I've ever heard in my life. Dude got busted so bad. Seriously, listen to this all the way through, it's incredible.

Pro Wrestling in Mexico is So Much Cooler


WOW, that's all I can say

Should've Seen That One Coming


Ever try to grab a chick's boob on live tv? This guy did, check it out

Obama's Elf

| Tuesday, February 17, 2009



Taking Advantage of the Jumbotron

| Monday, February 16, 2009

Most people just look confused or try to find a way to throw up the finger when they're presented with their 5 seconds of fame on the Jumbotron at a sporting event. Not this dude, he straight kills it to some Bon Jovi.

Jason Voorhees on Arsenio Hall


Guess I should have posted this on Friday, but in the spirit of the remake, here you go.

There's Always THAT Guy


You know, the one who jumps in behind you when you're getting your picture taken, ruining the picture. Obviously, some are alot better than others, and here are some of the best around.

Really Funny Halo 3 Deaths

| Friday, February 13, 2009

Here are 15 of the weirdest/funniest deaths in Halo I've ever seen. I think my favorite might be the one where the dude accidentally snipes himself right in the head.

If I Ever Have a Kid...

| Thursday, February 12, 2009

I really hope he's funny as this little dude. Some of these remarks are pure gold.

Movie Night!

| Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Here's another cool site Greg turned me onto last night. It's called Movie Night and it's essentially a collection of short films made by a group of friends that all follow along different themes. For example the latest theme was movies inspired by video games. I just Watched the Mega Man one and it was definitely pretty good. So go check out the fun stuff on I'll leave you with the unemployment show because, well, I can really relate to it.

The Unemployment Show from KenOchalek on Vimeo.

PETA: Dog Master Race To Rise Up, Annex The Sudetenland


PETA oh how you make me laugh with how ridiculous you are sometimes.

Also, special thanks to Greg for this, the first outside contribution to the blog.

Drunk Guy Can't Tell the Difference Between Pants and a Shirt


This is one of the funnier videos of a drunk fool I've seen in a while. Sorry I couldn't embed the video, I guess the site it's on isn't into that kinda stuff.

Dude, That's Not a Shirt

The Pruda Sutra

| Tuesday, February 10, 2009

I highly recommend NOT getting this for your significant other this Valentine's Day.

Kama Sutra: Prude Edition

I'm On a Boat

| Monday, February 9, 2009

All I can say is WOW

Stand Up Sunday

| Sunday, February 8, 2009

Jim Norton on Jimmy Kimmel

Dave Chappelle reads some poetry

Mitch Hedburg

Why Asking For Favors on the Internet is a Terrible Idea

| Friday, February 6, 2009

Uhhh....yeah, just click here and see what i mean.

People Hurting Themselves

| Thursday, February 5, 2009

Because lets face it, people doing things to hurt themselves is usually pretty funny.

Both feet little man, you gotta get both feet over the bar to avoid planting right on your face.


This was a terrible idea from the beginning.

Kid Faceplants Into Wall

Ok, so this one is technically the kid on the garbage can's fault, but it's still hilarious.

Little Kid Taken Down

Top 10 Moments Caught on Google Maps Street View


Everything from nerds fighting, to slutty girls, to secret Chinese submarines.

I dunno if it's funny so much as entertaining.

Top 10 Moments Caught on Google Maps Street View


| Wednesday, February 4, 2009

I seriously love Trailer Park Boys, can't get enough of it. One of the best parts of the show is the way Ricky constantly mispronounces and misuses words. Even if you're not familiar with the show, this collection of "Rickyisms" is amazing.

The Worlds Greatest Criminals


And by the worlds greatest criminals I obviously mean the exact opposite. Checks out these idiots in action.

This first dude must be fucking Bruce Willis from Unbreakable. Seriously, I've never seen someone take so many hard falls and keep getting up. His will is strong, but the mind is weak.

Dude, if you're going to demand ransom at least ask for a little more than that. You come off dumber than Dr. Evil in Austin Powers.

Apparently it didn't even occur to this dude to use a fake name. Wow.

Ok, Ok. Just for good measure here's one video of some really stupid cops. Come on dudes, they're right in front of you!

Great Achievements in Chest Hair


As a not so hairy dude myself all I can say is that I'm damn impressed with all these dudes and their ridiculous chest hair designs. Well done dudes, well done.

Great Achievements in Chest Hair

Christian Bale is Really Angry

| Tuesday, February 3, 2009

So in case you haven't heard about this yet, apparently Christian Bale flipped out on one of the light dudes on the set of the new Terminator movie. Here's a YouTube of the audio.

Now yeah, that's kind of funny, but you know what's better REMIXES. Enjoy ya little jerks.

This first one was made by “Revolucian” who is apparently producing Rupaul's new album. Yeah, I was just as surprised as you are when I heard Rupaul even still existed.

No idea where this one originated though.

Anal Chug


Yeah, that's right. I said anal chug.

Bert Kreischer: The Party



Yeah that's right. Here's every commercial from this year's Super Bowl arranged by quarter. Enjoy.

Sorry about that...


So between moving and the Superbowl I haven't gotten a chance to update this guy in a few days. Fear not, I'm back and will be bringing you the funny once again on a regular basis. For starters, here's a link to a kid all messed up on nitrous from the dentist, apparently Dad thought it'd be funny to get it all on video. Thanks dad.

The Nightman Cometh Deleted Scene!

| Thursday, January 29, 2009

If you don't watch the FX show It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia, I highly suggest you pick up seasons 1-3 on DVD and watch them immediately. For the rest of you, here's a behind the scenes look at the making of "The Nightman Cometh" including a deleted song sung by Mac as the Nightman called "It's Nature: Shit Happens"

Strip Club Commercials


Local strip club commercials are almost always pretty hilarious between the skany girls and the creepy dudes they almost always inevitably feature. Check out these gems from around the country.

"If ya NEEEED a little somethin' somethin'"

I love the use of technology in this one. Apparently someone's been watching too many Soundgarden videos.

Bubble's cousin gets real bummed when he breaks his glasses.

I really hope this commercial was the motivation for an ex of mine working at this place.

Listen closely to the little voice at the end of this one, it really makes it.

Obama Tuesdays!!

Even aliens like titties.

This is what I assume most plastic surgeons are actually like.

And this is why you should never get married.

I'm not sure who's worse...

| Wednesday, January 28, 2009

...these dudes, or the idiot, and likely heinous looking, chicks that banged them.

Wait, now I'm sure, it's the idiot chicks. Either way, check it out, pretty funny site overall. I just can't wait till one of my friends ends up on there.

Before They Were Famous Stand Up Comedians


Here's a clip of Louis C.K. way back in 1987. If it wasn't for his voice I don't know if I'd even believe it was him.

Everybody knows Dave Chappelle. Here he is performing in Aspen in 1995.

No idea when this is from, but it's Jim Carrey way back in the day performing in LA.

And finally Jerry Seinfeld from way on Johnny Carson. Enjoy.

Condom Commercials

| Tuesday, January 27, 2009

This may be the most effective condom commercial I've ever seen.

One Lucky Bastard

This dude almost had her. Don't give up so easy next time man!

I Guess the Theme For Today is People Being Stupid


Check out what this moron does with his flare gun.

People Being Stupid


I dunno about you, but I could seriously watch videos of people being moronic all day long.

Let's start with this dude who thinks slapping his nuts on a mouse trap is a really bright idea. NSFW (also, if you don't feel like seein' some dude's scrote I suggest you avoid this one)

Most Painful Mousetrap Gag Ever - Watch more free videos

I don't even know what this guy was trying to do. Best line, "I'm becoming trapped in the balloon."

This dude just straight up sucks at drinking. Nice sandals, nerd.

Early Contender for Funniest Video of '09

| Monday, January 26, 2009

I wouldn't be surprised if this dude just ruined his relationship with this stunt. He's probably better off though, bitch obviously can't take a joke, amiright?

null - Watch more free videos

I'm so glad I live in the first world


Nigeria police hold 'robber' goat

Police in Nigeria are holding a goat handed to them by a vigilante group, which said it was a car thief who had used witchcraft to change shape.

Giants Fans are Babies



Unnecessary Censorship


I don't usually watch the Jimmy Kimmel show, but I'll be damned if this isn't LOL worthy.

Trailer Park Boys


Holy shit, this show is incredible. I've only seen a few seasons so far, but it's already right up there with It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia and Curb Your Enthusiasm in my mind. Unfortuanatly, this amazing show never really aired in the good ol' US of A, so i never caught it until a roommate Netflixed the DVDs. I don't even want to ruin it by explaining what it's about, just do yourself a favor and watch it.

Oh yeah, here's a link to watch EVERY SINGLE EPISODE
You can all thank me later.

First Post!


After years and years of surfing the internet, finding random funny things, and sending them to my friends, I decided that it was about time to centralize all this hilarity into a blog of my own. Expect everything from viral videos to weird news articles to sites that are just full out ridiculous, and probably somewhat offensive, considering my sense of humor. Some of my posts will be "LOL" hilarious, other times they'll probably just give you a "WTF?" moment (I think that's the first time I ever typed "WTF").

Anyway, since this is my first post and this blog is supposed to be funny, I'll leave you with a link to a page full of funny animated GIFs. It takes a minute to load, be patient, it's worth it.

Animated GIF Gallery